What is the name of the movie where it has the guy saying “I can fix that”?

What is the name of the movie where it has the guy saying “I can fix that”?

The movie I remember has this young guy saying “I can fix that” in a really sweet way, but I can’t recall what the movie is. My friend says she doesn’t think it’s The Blind Side. Does anyone know for sure? I remember it from the movie Holes, but that’s not what I remember…anyone?

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Dule Hill Holes isn’t a word play by any means. By fixing an animal, like a dog, we are removing it’s т*sт*c**s. I doubt this is what your boyfriend has in mind but let him know next time he says he is going to fix himself, and you might very well eliminate the need for him to take action. Essentially, he’s saying that his private parts, which you may have altered, are in an uncomfortable position and orientation due to a change in…um…size and, well, direction… .

Your friend is right…the line in the movie “Holes” that Sam says is very accurate.

What is the name of the movie where it has the guy saying “I can fix that”?
What is the name of the movie where it has the guy saying “I can fix that”?

 There are holes! It’s that black boy who falls in love with the teacher.

When the onion farmer guy talks to Kate in the flashbacks of Holes, it sounds like it’s from that movie

Spiccoli tells the black kid in “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” that he can fix the car when it has been wrecked because he believes his dad has the ultimate set of tools

Stand and deliver

When it is a black man saying it to a woman, it is Holes

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