Mushroom farm equipment — what key features should be your first priority?

No modern mushroom farm can function properly without the appropriate equipment. Therefore, selecting the right mushroom picking trolleys, scales, and watering system, among other things, is crucial. Read on to find out what you need to pay attention to in order to make correct decisions.

Mushroom picking trolley

When talking about equipment for mushroom farms, one usually starts with mushroom picking trolleys. The reason is simple — they are the core of the entire business. An efficient trolley equals more kilograms of mushrooms per square meter of harvest, which in turn assures higher profits and a more successful business.

When assessing the available models, the first thing to check is whether the trolley has the necessary automation features. Automated movement of the platform of the trolley (vertical, as well as horizontal) is key, as well as an automated stoppage system, which ensures a high degree of safety in the workplace. Other important characteristics of a good trolley include optimal battery capacity, easy operation and stable construction.

Watering system

Every mushroom farm owner wants to grow uniform, high-quality mushrooms. In order to achieve this, the mushrooms need to be watered at an adequate frequency, with the appropriate amount of water. Thankfully, a modern watering system can do most of the work by itself.

What to look for when comparing watering systems? Availability of both automatic and manual modes (the first one allows creating automatic watering schedules, in the second one watering starts with a press of a button), high tank capacity, uninterrupted remote access to the computer and ease of operation are some of the most important factors

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Mushroom scales

Scales certainly don’t have it easy in mushroom farms. They need to withstand difficult conditions, such as high temperatures and humidity, and they are at risk of mechanical damage. That’s why it’s best to choose scales that are distinguished by, above all else, a high degree of protection from dust and water (like IP68), as well as great quality of materials.

We also suggest looking out for such features as a proximity sensor and dual-sided display, which will make the work easier.

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing equipment for mushroom farms. However, safety, durability, and efficiency are the ones that typically play the most important role. High-quality equipment that will meet the needs of even the most demanding mushroom farm owners can be purchased from proven retailers, such as GROWTIME.