You hear : ¿cómo (beep)? you select : estás because the question is ¿cómo estás?

You hear : ¿cómo (beep)? you select : estás because the question is ¿cómo estás?

I hear: how (beep)? Are you selected since the question is how are you? es está son están es está es está es está es está

Table of Contents


Right you areSince it is I that hear this question, the correct answer is you because this word is derived from the verb estar. eres is the conjugation of the verb estar in the second person singular for the simple present. In order to answer this question, the speaker must begin by asking: how are you? You might ask me (How are you?) and I might respond: Am I doing well? (I’m doing great).
1. ¿Dónde (beep) el aeropuerto? Está

2. ¿(Beep) ustedes pescando? Están

3. ¿(Beep) guapo tu primo? Es

4. ¿(Beep) la bicicleta de Laura? Es

5. ¿(Beep) enojado con su novia Arturo? Está

6. ¿(Beep) el hotel cerca del mar? Está


The objective of this activity is to listen to the questions and select the correct form of “ser” or “estar” to replace the beep in each one. It is possible to translate both “ser” and “estar” into English as “to be”. However, they have different meanings in Spanish and are used for very different purposes.

The word “ser” can be used to describe long lasting qualities of someone or something, occupations, characteristics, origins, relationships, and belongings. This is why options 3) “Is your cousin handsome?” (Is your cousin handsome?)

You hear : ¿cómo (beep)? you select : estás because the question is ¿cómo estás?
You hear : ¿cómo (beep)? you select : estás because the question is ¿cómo estás?

4) ¿Es la bicicleta de Laura? (Is it Laura´s bicycle?) use the verb “ser”.

The word “estar” is used to describe a temporary location, a place where something or someone is, as well as to describe physical or mental conditions. A present participle or past participle is used to describe actions occurring in the present. Therefore, options 1) “Dónde está el aeropuerto?” (Where is the airport?), 2)”¿Están ustedes pescando?” (Are you fishing?), 5) “¿Está enojado con su novia Arturo?” (Is Arturo mad at his girlfriend?) and 6) “¿Está el hotel cerca del mar?” (Is the hotel close to the beach?) use the verb “estar”

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For that sentence to be written correctly, the first word should be how. In the word (how) it indicates how to get an answer to what mood one is feeling, and the word (eres) means directly to the one you are speaking to.

The correct answer is ¿cómo estás? Spanish has an expression we can translate as “How are you?” or “How are you?”. The phrase is commonly used to say hello, whether verbally or in writing, regardless of whether the other person is a friend or not.

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