Whats the easiest way to give yourself a bruise?

Whats the easiest way to give yourself a bruise?

What is the easiest way to bruise myself? Are there any ways to make it appear more prominent? Is there anything less painful but equally effective?

In case anyone wonders why I asked, I was simply curious. I wasn’t doing it to gain attention. My purpose wasn’t to gain attention.


It works for me when I’m drunk.

I get drunk and have a great time, but wake up the next morning covered in bruises. I don’t know what I get up to.

For what do you need this information. I suppose the easiest way would be to bruise yourself really hard. Each time you bruise, you damage blood vessels beneath the skin. The other option would be to hit yourself against a door hard. I bruise easily and wish I wouldn’t bruise.

The bruise could be caused by pinching the area of skin where you want it and then flicking it after 20 seconds to a minute. The bruise could also be caused by repeatedly hitting that area with something hard. Although it hurts, I suggest makeup if you don’t like pain.

If YOU hit the object rather than grabbing the object and it hitting you, it’s more likely to occur… It is my shins that bruise the most, and I get them when I run into something or when someone kicks me. I bruise so easily, right now I have nine bruises on both legs and both arms.

Whats the easiest way to give yourself a bruise?
Whats the easiest way to give yourself a bruise?

Stumbling and hitting your leg (or other body part) on the stairs is pretty effective. It usually leaves me bruised.

Chuck Norris is always available for questions. That will probably leave you bruised.

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Take aspirin after you donate blood. You’re likely to bruise a little in your arm.

If you don’t beat yourself to death, you won’t bruise, and remember that every time you cause a minor injury, a major injury is possible.

Bruising yourself with oranges was a favorite pastime. Place four oranges in a stocking and gently batter yourself. A common method of framing someone involves fabricating evidence of a beating.

If you use insulting language to a variety of people in a variety of situations, you can get bruises in a number of ways.

There is nothing better than having yourself c*ed by a good friend or c*ing yourself on your own.

Depending on where you want your bruise to be seen

There is no easy way, bruises are the result of blunt trauma that ruptures the surface blood vessels under your skin.

The reasons why you want a bruise are well beyond my understanding, so I won’t even try to explain them.

This is a strange question – why would you want to bruise yourself?

Anyway, it depends on where you live. Bruising appears to occur more on fleshy areas than on the head. Maybe it’s blood. Hit your knee with a brick.

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