What does USPS ‘PO to Addressee’ mean?

What does USPS ‘PO to Addressee’ mean?

An Express Mail package (overnight shipping) is expected to arrive tomorrow. I just checked usps.com and it shows ‘PO to Addressee’. That’s what it means, don’t you think? Thank you!

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Priority Mail Express is the mail that the sender sent from a Post Office and will be delivered to the recipient.Most likely, it is an insured item, and the insured amount is Payable (Paid Out) to the addressee. Otherwise, businesses could ship items all the time and say, “I never received the item,” and they would get their money back.

What does USPS ‘PO to Addressee’ mean?
What does USPS ‘PO to Addressee’ mean?

The PO is the location of the addressee’s Post Office if it is international mail. The address of your local postal service.

Could this be a new name for the “Waiver of Signature”?

The reason is that STC 986 has been renamed from “Waiver of Signature” to “PO to Addressee.”The form has been renamed.

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