What Are The Most Common Types Of Broken Bone Injuries After An Accident?

Breaking a bone is never a pleasant experience. However, it is challenging when another’s negligence or recklessness causes the injury.

If you’ve been in an accident and broken a bone, there are some common injuries to look out for that can help you find the right lawyer for your case. Here we discuss some common types of broken bone injuries after an accident and how they can be treated.

Open Compound Fracture

This type of fracture is one of the most severe types of broken bone injuries after an accident because it occurs when the bone breaks through the skin, leaving it exposed to outside contaminants. This type of fracture must be treated as quickly as possible with surgery to ensure that the bone is set correctly and infection does not occur.

Stable Fracture

A stable fracture occurs when two parts of a broken bone remain aligned and do not move around. These fractures are often treated with casts, splints, or braces to keep them in place while they heal. Surgery may be necessary in severe cases, but this fracture usually heals quickly.

Segmental Fracture

A segmental fracture occurs when two parts of a broken bone remain separated due to a large amount of force being applied to them at once. This fracture type requires surgery to ensure the pieces are correctly realigned and held together until healed. 

Compression Fracture 

These broken bone injuries occur when too much pressure is placed on a single area, causing it to collapse inward. The primary treatment for this type of fracture involves wearing back braces or other support devices while healing occurs naturally over time.

Spiral Fracture

This type of fracture occurs when a twist motion causes one part of a bone to break away from another position along its lengthwise axis. Treatment for this type may include casting or using special screws or plates depending on the damage’s severity, but most spiral fractures will heal without any intervention in 6 weeks or less.

Oblique Fracture 

An oblique fracture occurs when two parts of a broken bone remain separated due to an angled force being applied across their lengthwise axis, resulting in them becoming angled rather than straight like normal bones would be expected to be aligned with each other.


Treatment for this type usually involves setting both ends in casts and slowly allowing time for healing until complete recovery

Transverse Fracture

This type of fracture occurs when force is applied across the widthwise axis, causing it to break apart into two separate pieces that are no longer connected by normal bones tissue but instead have been forcibly displaced from each other due to extreme trauma or impact such as those found in car accidents or falls from great heights.


Treatment for this kind usually requires surgery with metal plates and screws used internally for stabilization before healing can occur over time until complete recovery. 

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Most Common Types Of Broken Bone Injuries After An Accident – In Conclusion

If you have been injured after an accident and think you may have suffered broken bone injuries, seeking professional medical care should be your first step towards recovery and finding justice thru a lawyer if someone else was at fault for your misfortune.