What happened to the drunk teenager that killed comedian Sam Kinison in a car crash?

What happened to the drunk teenager that killed comedian Sam Kinison in a car crash?

I’m curious as to whether people like this can keep their name out of the public and even skip prison because of being a minor. That is what Laura Bush did after the fatal accident she caused. The drunk teenager that killed comedian Sam Kinison in a car crash was never identified by police, but it’s possible he could have been sentenced to jail time if he were an adult at the time. Unfortunately for him, since he was just 16 years old when his reckless actions took another person’s life, there wasn’t much anyone could do about it. He got off scot-free with no consequences whatsoever!  What happened to this kid? He is still alive today, isn’t he? And more importantly, does he know how lucky he got away with murder?! If you know anything about this story or happen to be related to him somehow (which would explain why you’re looking up information on him), please get in touch with us ASAP! We’d love some answers!

What happened to the drunk teenager that killed comedian Sam Kinison in a car crash?

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Have you ever wondered what happened to the teenager that killed Sam Kinison in a car accident? The drunk teen was sentenced to 300 hours community service and 1 year probation. Troy Pierson may be his name, but that’s forum talk. Probation is unfortunately enough, a common sentence for vehicular manslaughter, for adults too.

If you’re interested in knowing more about this case or if you have any questions about it please feel free to contact us! We’ll do our best to answer your questions as soon as possible. You can also visit our website at www…..com where we have all of the information available on this topic! Thanks again and take care!

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I’m sure that everyone has heard the news by now, but it looks like comedian Sam Kinison was killed in a car accident last night. He was only 38 years old and had just finished his show at the Comedy Store when he got into an argument with another driver on Sunset Blvd. The other driver ran him off the road and then sped away from the scene of the crime. It is still unclear if this man will be charged for manslaughter or not, but we are all hoping that justice will be served in this case. If you want to read more about what happened to Sam Kinison, check out our article here! We also included some quotes from comedians who knew him well so make sure to give them a read too! And don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Comedian Sam Kinison was killed in a car accident on April 10, 1992. He had been driving his Ford Bronco when he lost control and crashed into a tree. The driver of the other vehicle involved in the crash was 18-year-old Matthew Lynn Hilt, who was reportedly intoxicated at the time of the accident.

I think it is unfair that this kid got off so easy for killing someone! It s too bad that he didn t learn anything from this experience and will probably do something like this again someday if not worse! If you re old enough to drive AND drink like an adult, you should be sentenced like one! This guy took someone s life away and all he gets is probation?! Come on now… what about justice? Where is it? You can t just kill somebody and get away with it because your parents have money or whatever reason they used to get him out of trouble.

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That doesn t make sense at all!! He would have learned more lessons in life if he had gone to prison instead of getting off scot free after causing such pain and suffering for everyone else involved!!! Unbelievable… no wonder people don’t respect laws anymore these days… there are way too many loopholes everywhere!!! Just my opinion though…. but I hope others feel as strongly about this as I do!! Thanks for listening 🙂

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