Fermentables, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols are groups of specific kinds of carbohydrates that most people’s bodies are unable to break down the molecules of which they are comprised. Ultimately, the digestion difficulties are caused by the undigested carbs reaching your colon where the gut bacteria use them as fuel by a fermentation process. A low-FODMAP diet plan significantly reduces these ingredients from your diet or even eliminates some of them completely. Many foods cause problems for people with irritable bowel syndrome, triggering issues such as abdominal cramping, excessive gas, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. So many foods can cause problems for IBS sufferers that it can be challenging to stick with a diet that their gut can tolerate. Some people find that beginning their journey into better gastrointestinal health can be kickstarted by using Detoxify XXtra clean to cleanse their system.
Table of Contents
What Is a Low-FODMAP Diet?
A low-FODMAP diet is one type of elimination diet, which means you remove specific potentially trouble-inducing foods completely. Then, you gradually reintroduce some or all of these foods. As you begin eating these foods again, you can identify the particular ones that cause digestive issues.
Here is just a sampling of some high-FODMAP foods which you should immediately begin avoiding:
- Wheat
- Rye
- Apples
- Asparagus
- Mushrooms
- Milk
- Ice cream
- Soft cheese
- Processed meats
- Beans
While there are many foods you can’t eat when you’re on this diet, there are numerous kinds that you can. Experiment by completing a Detoxify herbal cleanse just before beginning your low-FODMAP diet.
Here are a few of your low-FODMAP options:
- Crackers
- Potatoes
- Corn chips
- Oatmeal
- Oranges
- Unripe bananas
- Carrots
- Tomato
- Cottage cheese
- Unprocessed meats
Maintaining Consistency With Your Plan
New diets can be challenging, especially when you have to restrict many foods you love. However, as the low-FODMAP diet works as it should, it will be worth cutting back on foods that cause you misery today to discover how much better you’re feeling tomorrow. There are some ways to make following and sticking with the diet more manageable.
Begin the diet at a time when your life is routine. If you try to start during a major life change (e.g., at the start of a new job) or while you’re out of your normal routine (e.g., while on vacation) it can make it more difficult to integrate into your regular schedule. Give yourself a chance to fall into a consistent routine with the diet.
Learn as much as possible about the low-FODMAP diet. By doing this, you will quickly know what to avoid while you’re grocery shopping and reading food labels. Also, ensure you always have the proper foods stocked in your kitchen while keeping as much of the food you are not supposed to eat out of reach. The less work you can take out of your new diet, the easier it will be to stay consistent with it and stick with it long enough to get a handle on the foods that are causing you problems. Once you get your gut under better control, all your hard work will be worth it.
Begin today planning for your healthier lifestyle so you can start feeling better soon. Check out information on a detox for gas to assist with your transition.