How To Write Awesome Product Descriptions For Boring Products?

Have you been tasked with writing product descriptions for what you perceive to be incredibly boring products? Or perhaps it’s your business and you know it isn’t the most exciting of subjects but it’s a good way to earn money. Whatever the case, just because a product or service doesn’t set the world alight with excitement, it doesn’t mean that you can’t write engaging descriptions that will help increase your sales!


In this article, we’re going to talk about how to write awesome product descriptions for boring products.


Lead with benefits, not features


You want people to be engaged with your products? Start off with the benefits. How is this product going to impact their life? What do they get when they make a purchase?

Just because a product seems boring on the surface, it doesn’t mean that it delivers boring solutions.


For example, a veggie chopper doesn’t exactly sound all that exciting does it? But when that veggie chopper can dice all of your vegetables in one single motion, thus saving you 15-minutes in prep time (and no more sliced fingers) …well, that doesn’t sound so bad, does it?


Bullet point the specifications


You should include the materials, dimensions, weight, and all other necessary specifications of the product. However, when you do list these out, don’t include them in the product description itself. Instead, add them as a bulleted list.

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  • Bulleted lists are easy to scan.
  • They break up the wall of text.
  • They’re a little bit more exciting.
  • They have an aesthetic appeal.
  • I mean…look how lovely this list is!


Talk customers through how it’s used


This is particularly important if you are writing a product description for an item that isn’t a ‘standard household item’ or otherwise self-explanatory; talk them through the process. How is it used? Is the process simple? And again, what is the outcome?


For the best results, a ‘how-to’ product video can be very handy. Of course, having unique video content for every single item on an e-Commerce store isn’t always viable. However, if you can make it happen, do so.


Help customers visualise themselves with the product


Similar to leading with benefits, you also want to help your prospective customers to imagine themselves using these products.


What will their life look like after the purchase?


If you want to write as engaging a product description as possible, create a scenario and take the readers on a journey of sorts.


Your audience has powerful imaginations – use that to your advantage!


Is it just a bathroom plant or is it the key to transforming your bathroom into a relaxing oasis that can improve your health and wellness?


I know which I’d prefer!


Alternative: Let the professionals handle it


If the thought of writing product descriptions doesn’t fill you with excitement, there’s always the option to hire the professionals. A digital marketing agency can take this responsibility off your hands and help you produce high-quality product descriptions that will read well and ultimately increase your conversions.

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