How to Make Palo Azul Tea

How to Make Palo Azul Tea. Learn everything you need to know about Palo Azul, from why it should always be on hand to how to brew the perfect cup!

Palo Azul tea provides more than just the warmth and comfort of a drink to help you get through your cold afternoons. It also provides nutrients that can help prevent or treat many conditions. Here is everything you need to know about Palo Azul tea and how to brew it, from why you should always have it on hand to perfect brewing techniques.

What Is Palo Azul Tea?

Palo Azul tea is a beverage prepared from the ​Palo Azul plant’s bark, an ancient South American tea. It is made from living kidneywood that has been used in traditional herbal medicine for thousands of years. With its herbal, earthy taste and subtle flavor, it might just be our favorite.

It’s usually drank with cinnamon and ginger, but we also enjoy Palo Azul ice cold with some lemon slices in summer. There’s more to this tea than what you’re taste buds can detect: it owes its fame to the powerful properties of this ancient plant.

The Health Benefits

Palo Azul has been used as a traditional medical treatment for as long as it’s been around. It’s packed with some of the most beneficial natural components, and can seriously improve your overall health:

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Protecting Kidney Health – The primary use for this incredible plant is for its detoxifying properties. It reduces oxidative stress, which can decrease cell damage to the kidney, pancreas and more. It also helps by passing kidney stones, supporting healthy urination and removing toxic waste from the body.

Funny fact: Palo Azul is popular among occasional marijuana users because it flushes out metabolites and increases chances of passing a drug test!Helps with Inflammation, Arthritis & Digestion – Some active compounds found in the bark of this plant positively impact inflammation (by lowering pain and swelling), joint pain (such as gout) and also digestive tract problems like diarrhea.

This tea also has calming and anti-diarrheal properties that soothe stomach discomfort.(1)Supports Proper Digestion – If you have digestive difficulties, just steep yourself some Palo Azul chips or drink some Palo Azul tea. The dried chips contain B-vitamins which help manage gut motility, while the brewed tea calms an

How to Make Palo Azul Tea

It’s tempting to know how to make it, of course. Luckily for you, we’ve got the answer! The essential ingredient is Palo Azul bark, which can be found at most corner stores. You’ll also need six cups of water and a large pot.

When you’re boiling the water, add the bark and not lower the heat–boil it for an hour. You should also cover the pot after adding the bark; this works because you are trapping cells which contain all its valuable compounds. Remove from heat once done and strain it into a cup before adding coffee or sugar. It can be served cold or warm depending on your preference–either way it’s healthy and delicious!

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How to See the Blue Color of Palo Azul Tea

People often make the mistake of thinking that Palo Azul tea will turn a deep-water blue color in their cup. But you’ll actually only experience a light blue hue, not a deep ocean-blue color. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, it can be easy to miss seeing any hint of blue at all.

You need to make sure you have enough light to see the faint tint – try light bulbs instead of candles or electric lights. Remember that it’s just refracted light and not actually visible in complete darkness. If you want your tea to turn this dark-blue color, cook it for 60 minutes or longer, which will change its color completely. Another good tip is to serve your tea in clear glasses with lots of sunlight – if not, whip out your flashlight!

Palo Azul Side Effects

There are no known side effects of drinking Palo Azul tea, but there is a lack of scientific evidence to support or dispute this. That means that you should probably stay on the safe side and not drink it while pregnant or nursing. Also, if you are taking heavy medications or suffer from a serious condition, we recommend consulting with your physicians or healthcare professionals beforehand.


Now that you know all the benefits of drinking Palo Azul tea, you should be comfortable purchasing your first batch. You don’t necessarily need to import it from South America – most larger retailers and import stores will offer Palo Azul for sale. Buy what you want and use the advice in this article to guide you through the steeping process. We guarantee a successful and rewarding experience.

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