How to Check Your Wiper Fluid

How to Check Your Wiper Fluid


While your car’s wiper system may not be the most glamorous part of your vehicle, it is one of the most important. A windshield that isn’t clear can cause dangerous driving conditions and a poor view of the road. Fortunately, checking and refilling your wiper fluid level is an easy process that should take less than 15 minutes.

What is wiper fluid?

Wiper fluid is a liquid that’s sprayed on the windshield to clean it. It’s usually made of water and alcohol, but some brands contain detergents as well. Wiper fluid is used in conjunction with your wipers to help you see better while driving in rain or snow, because it helps remove dirt and debris from your windshield so that you can see what’s ahead of you more clearly.

How often do I need to check my wiper fluid level?

The frequency with which you should check your wiper fluid level depends on how often you drive in rainy weather. If it rains frequently where you live, then checking the wiper fluid every few weeks might be a good idea. However, if it doesn’t rain very often in your area and/or if there’s not much chance of precipitation when driving (e.g., during summer), then checking less frequently may be fine–every six months or so could work well.

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Where is the wiper fluid reservoir located on my car?

The wiper fluid reservoir is usually located in the engine compartment, under the hood or bonnet of your car. It may also be located under a panel on the passenger side of your vehicle (the side closest to you). If you’re unsure where it is, check with an expert at an auto parts store or mechanic’s shop for help locating it.

In some cases, wiper fluid reservoirs are found inside trunks–for example, if you have a rear-wheel drive vehicle with an engine mounted transversely (perpendicular) to its wheels instead of longitudinally (parallel). In these situations, accessing the reservoir requires opening up both sides of your trunk lid before removing its cover so that water won’t spill out while doing so!

Where is the wiper fluid level indicator located on my car?

  • Check the dash. If you have a digital display on your dashboard, look for an indicator light or bar that shows how much fluid is left in your wiper fluid reservoir.
  • Check the windshield. If there’s no indicator on your dashboard or if you’re not sure if it’s working correctly, try wiping some dirt off of your windshield with a rag and see if any water comes up from underneath it (if so, then there’s still some left).
  • Check the blades themselves: Lift one up and look at its underside; if it looks dirty or wet with liquid then that means there’s some moisture trapped under them too! It may also mean they need replacing soon–this could be an indication that they’re worn out already!
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You may need to add more washer liquid.

If you need to add more washer fluid, use a funnel and fill the reservoir to the correct level. Check your wiper fluid regularly and never overfill the reservoir.


If you’re not sure whether your wiper fluid is low or not, it’s always a good idea to check. You can do this by opening the hood of your car and looking at the reservoir tank. If there is any fluid left in it then great! If not then fill up with some new washer liquid so that your wipers will continue working properly.