Why might you be failing at security and maintenance for WordPress?



Despite being alert about the security and maintenance of your WordPress website, you still find it languishing in terms of security and maintenance. Are you baffled as to what is plaguing your website? That is because there are certain covert things that even the best developers might not know about. After all, they are not talked about.

So, to make this conversation, here are some details on ensuring better security and maintenance failure of WordPress.

Tip 1: Always use Google Analytics and Search Console to simplify your work

It is extremely difficult to assess whether the website is performing optimally at all times, and you need tools to gauge the performance. Some of the popular tools are Google Search Console and Google Analytics, which provide a clear insight into the functioning of your website. They will tell you about your WordPress website’s downtime, slow-loading pages and broken links. These might seem like small problems initially, but in the end, they could cost you your website by making it a redundant web asset that will always malfunction. However, operating these two plugins simultaneously could be cumbersome for new developers. Some Google Analytics and Search Console combo suites could help you better understand your website.  

Tip 2: You have not cleaned up your comment spam

This is one of the most overlooked things on your website. That is why most website owners are a victim of comment spam. But what is a spam comment? These are those comments that contain live links. These links are a part of an SEO backlinking strategy of other companies. But there is some harm in it. It makes your website bulkier, and hence, it loads slowly. The issue with this is that it is unavoidable. Even though WordPress is trying to eliminate this problem, it persists. But there is nothing to worry about as this problem has a remedy. There are some anti-spam techniques you can follow:

  • You can turn off commenting altogether by going to the settings tab by unchecking the allow people to comment on new posts.
  • You can also ban comments on a particular post.
  • Disable and remove comments with the help of plugins that block and trash spam comments. DeleteAll plugin is one of the most popular plugins that could handle this situation for you.
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But certain comments are helpful from the SEO point of view. Make sure you or your managers understand SEO thoroughly enough to know which comments are helpful for the website. This way, you will be able to filter and eliminate unnecessary comments.

Tip 3: Optimise the pictures on your website

If you are running a blog or an ecommerce website, then you can easily save some time on maintenance by optimising the pictures on your website. Often it is quite bulky on the memory, but you can use an image compressor and then upload the images on your website. You can also use Smush and Optimus plugins to compress all the images on your website automatically.  

Tip 4: Enable two-factor authentication on your WordPress website

Two-factor authentication on the WordPress website means there is a restriction on sharing the login credential across two devices. There are two security layers, which could or could not involve a password. You will be sent an OTP (one-time password), and using that, you will have to log in to your WordPress account on a device. If you want to join your WordPress account from another device, you will get another OTP to log in. This way, your website will become more secure. You can do this by modifying your WordPress website’s settings. Or you could simply use a plugin to do so.

Tip 5: Keeping your site health and security updated is extremely important 

We cannot stress how important it is to take care of the security and health of your website. Although these might not seem productive to you at first, they will save you from future stress if you are always alert about the condition of your website. 

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If you are doing it yourself, then ensure you always perform spam and malware scans on your website. You can use online resources like Sucuri and also monitor your website regularly. Multiple plugins can assist you in your security and maintenance efforts. Otherwise, you can always hire a developer for this job.

You can also consult with other website owners and inquire how they take care of their website’s health and security. Always remember that the safer your website is, the easier and more profitable it will be.

To conclude, taking care of the security and maintenance of a website is imperative for a business to run properly, especially if the website enables customers to make transactions. A lacklustre website experience often becomes negative for a brand-damaging its revenues. Having said that, this is not a scheduled job that one takes care of once a year. Rather, to run a website smoothly, it has to be a daily job; hopefully, the tips mentioned above can help make it easier.