How do you spell this with? Wighth? Wigth?

How do you spell this with? Wighth? Wigth?

In your opinion, what is the correct way to spell this? How do you spell this with? Wighth? Wigth?

Table of Contents


wide – width

long – lengthdeep – depth

high – height

broad – breadth



How do you spell this with? Wighth? Wigth?
How do you spell this with? Wighth? Wigth?


One entry found.


Main Entry: width

Pronunciation: ˈwidth, ˈwitth

Function: noun

Etymology: 1wide

Date: 1627

Horizontal measurement taken at right angles to the length or width

a large extent or scope

A piece of material that has been measured and cut *a length of calico>


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